Note: Titanium ESD vinyl flooring is resistant to most industrial chemicals.  Test methods, chemical concentrations, dwell time and some environmental factors may cause a variation from the following results. Pre-test on site prior to proceeding with the installation.


Chemical Resistance: Exposure time, 30 minutes, top surface only

Sulfuric Acid (25%), no effect

Gasoline, Mineral Oil, Vegetable Oil, no effect

Sulfuric Acid (5%), no effect

Chloroform, no effect

Nitric Acid (Conc.), Slight Surface Attack

Trichloroethylene, no effect

Nitric Acid (5%), no effect

Acetone, some softening, no color change

Hydrochloric Acid (5%), slight dulling

Methyl Ethyl Ketone, slight surface dulling

Acetic Acid (Conc.), no effect

Amyl Acetate, Ethyl Acetate, no effect

Acetic Acid (5%), no effect

Silver Nitrate (40%), slight brown stain

Sodium Hydroxide (50%), no effect

Ethyl Ether, no effect

Ammonium Hydroxide (28%), no effect

Formaldehyde (40%), no effect

Methyl Alcohol, no effect

Iodine, Yellow Stain

Ethyl Alcohol, no effect

Phenol, slight surface attack

Cresol, slight surface attack

Benzene, no effect

Xylene, no effect

Carbon Tetrachloride, no effect

30% hydrogen peroxide, No visible change*

10:1 HF dip (~5% HF), no visible change*

Developer 321 (contains TMAH), no effect*

Butyl Alcohol, no effect

Prestone 50/50 antifreeze/coolant, no effect

Prestone DOT 3 brake fluid, no effect

*client testing


Chemical Resistance, 45 minutes under watch glass

Antifreeze - No Effect

Benzyl Alcohol - No Effect

Dodecylbenzene Sulfonic Acid - No Effect

Formic acid - No Effect

Isopropanol (IPA) - Slight Softening, No Color Change

Mineral Spirits - No Effect

Napthol Spirits - No Effect

Octyl Alcohol - No Effect

Oxalic Acid - Slight Dulling

Phosphoric Acid Technical Grade 75% - Very Slight Softening

Sodium Hypochlorite 15% (Bleach) - Slight Dulling

Stearic Acid - No Effect

Sulfuric Acid 90% - No Effect

Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol - No Effect

Toluene - No Effect

Brake Fluid - No effect



Short Form Performance Specifications

Surface Resistivity Point to Point (ESD S 7.1)


Electrical Resistance to Ground (ESD S 7.1)


Flooring Radiant Panel ASTM E648; NBSIR 75-950: NFPA 254, Critical Radiant Flux

0.73 W/cm2, Class 1

Smoke Density, ASTM E-662; NFPA 258; Average optical density in burning / smoldering mode


Residual Indentation LF-475A

0.002 average

Abrasive Wear, Taber H-18 wheel, 5,000 cycles, 1,000 gm weight

1.1% loss of weight

Abrasive Wear, Taber H-18 wheel, 1,000 gm weight to wear layer penetration (end point)

>20,000 cycles, (2.0% loss of weight

Static coefficient of friction, ASTM D-2047-03, James Test average wet, dry leather

.60 approx.

Static load limit DIN 16961.2

>1,000 PSI

Charge decay time per FTMS 4046-101c

< 0.2 seconds


ElectraFloor Titanium Series meets or exceeds the requirements of Federal Specifications LF-475a and SST-312b for flexibility, dimensional stability, resistance to reagents and residual indentation.


Titanium Meets ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 page 6, table 2 Product Qualification and Compliance Verification


Roll goods may be used as mats or flooring. Titanium Series ESD Flooring is manufactured in the European Union for United SCP Incorporated, PO Box 19252, Colorado City CO 81019.  The material is manufactured as a co-extruded 4' 6" x 66' x .080 gauge sheets a 24" x 24" x .080 gauge tile or 3 mm thick Interlocking tile . Titanium series flooring features a hard wear resistant semi gloss ESD conductive top layer and a flexible full surface conductive ESD backing for ultimate electrical consistency and premier static control performance.


