SCP provides free shipping on select items marked with this icon on our web
site. Matting: This offer is specifically limited to the Continental USA (lower 48 states). Free shipping is further limited to us shipping standard freight* and using a carrier of our choice. Free shipping is not available for Titanium Chair Mats, Assembly Area Mat Kits (with certification) or Ultimat 1 (by Static Solutions). Note: Our Free shipping program for matting is for door to door service to the first level of the building at the delivery address only. Note for large and heavy matting orders: If the client does not have a loading dock (or if the delivery will need transported to the upper levels of a building) please contact us immediately as an additional lift gate and inside delivery charge will be required. These charges are NOT covered in our free shipping program. This charge will be calculated and must be approved by you (the client) prior to United shipping your order. Ionizers: United SCP provides free shipping on all ESD Ionizers marked as "free shipping." This offer is specifically limited to the lower 48 States. This offer is limited to us shipping standard freight and using a carrier of our choice. *Should you wish to expedite your free shipping items please contact our sales team for a shipping quote by calling 719 676 3928 (option 1) or by email. Please Click Here for Full Details Thanks! * |