Options in ESD
Flooring Conductivity
Best for COMPLIANCE in Electronic Manufacturing?
Antistatic, Static Dissipative,
Conductive. And the Winner is . . .
An ESD Floor's electrical
conductivity is what takes the static charge to ground (thus
eliminating the static voltage). Let's start with the basics
of how an ESD floor is tested. Electrodes of a certain size,
weight and density are placed on the floor at a certain
distance apart. An electrical charge (voltage) is sent
through the Electrodes and an instrument measures the
resistance between the electrodes in Ohms. Taking readings
between two electrodes is referred
to as testing the floor's point to point (PTP) resistance. In
another test, an electrode is placed on the floor, an
electrical charge is sent through the single electrode and
the opposite test lead from the resistance test instrument is attached to
AC electrical ground. This is referred to as testing the floor's resistance
to ground (RTG). Note: On most resistance test instruments
the Ohms are expressed as a scientific notation. For example
1.0E06 (6 zeros with a 1 in front=1million ohms). An
easy way to keep it all straight is the higher the number
after the E the HIGHER the RESISTANCE. By far, the most popular ranges
of electrical resistance for ESD Flooring are Static Conductive and Static Dissipative. Let's
go over some of the terminology.
DISSIPATIVE: This is an ESD floor with a PTP and RTG of
greater than 1.0E06 and less than 1.0E09 ohms. Static dissipative vinyl flooring is manufactured
via two different methods. Either a vinyl material is loaded with conductive
fibers OR the material is manufactured without the
conductive additives but with "hygroscopic" capabilities. These
hygroscopic capabilities allow the flooring to absorb
the ambient humidity in the environment thus rendering the material slightly
conductive. Static Dissipative
flooring that contains conductive fibers typically fall
in the range of 1.0E06 to 1.0E07 and are NOT reliant on
humidity for their static dissipative properties. Hygroscopic materials
typically fall in the range of 5.5E07 to slightly less than 1.0E09
ohms at greater than 50%rH. Some static dissipative floors
can make it VERY difficult to achieve the required combination resistance value
of carts, chairs and even technicians in heel straps for
compliance in electronic manufacturing.
CONDUCTIVE: These floors have a PTP and RTG of greater
than 1.0E04
and less than 1.0E06 (1 Megohm). For electronic manufacturing and other
sophisticated static control environments static conductive
is the industry preferred choice. Why? Because the combined
resistance (see
example) of drag chains, chairs, carts and personnel in
conjunction with the flooring must be below 1.0E09 (1
Gigaohm) for
compliance to the stringent new standards used in
electronics. And, it's MUCH easier to achieve this with a
floor that starts out in the static conductive range. It's
that simple! "But I've read that
static conductive flooring is dangerous." Hogwash plain and
simple! A static conductive floor has about
the same resistance as an ESD wrist strap. Today millions of
people worldwide will go to work on an ESD conductive floor
and zero will be electrocuted due to working on an ESD
(static conductive) floor.
FLOORING: Anti-Static
flooring was a phrase coined by the flooring industry (circa
1954) used to describe a flooring material that wouldn't
allow a person (when walking on the flooring) to generate
enough static to feel the discharge when they touched a
grounded object (like a light switch). Keep in mind a person
must generate well over 3,000 volts to actually "feel" the
discharge! Now-a-days? The level for static generation (when
walking on an ESD floor used for electronic manufacturing)
is less than 100 Volts! Anti-static is used as a somewhat
misleading catch all, generic phrase to describe any
flooring material that controls an electrostatic discharge.
CONDUCTIVITY: This is a flooring material with
very low resistance (they may almost be as conductive as standing on
a grounded steel plate). These flooring materials will eliminate the static
charge too quickly for electronic manufacturing and are typically only used in specialty Military and
munitions applications.
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