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Static Solutions RT-1000

Electrical Resistance Test Kit For ESD Control Areas

Digital Readout Breaks Down Decades for Fast ACCURATE Testing! United Guarantees THE lowest price and best service in the nation on this outstanding piece of test equipment! A good test instrument last for years. A GREAT instrument like the RT-1000 will last forever!

The Static Solutions RT-1000


RT-1000 Resistance Test Instrument for ESD Control Products

Now just $1,240.25 each

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Electrical Resistance testing is imperative for proving compliance to the new ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 ESD standards.


The RT-1000 Electrical Resistance Test Instrument comes complete with the 5 pound industry compliant electrodes! Optional accessories allow this instrument to grow with your needs.


Lightweight, versatile, robust and portable this device measures resistivity, temperature and humidity. 


The RT can use  both internal and external test probes (included with the basic kit). The RT-1000 is fully compliant with ANSI /ESD Association and European Standards.


The RT-1000 is an industry preferred choice when testing ESD floors, mats, bench tops, chairs, bags and more.


Unlike meters that provide a simplistic analog pass or fail or an LED readout the RT-100 breaks down the electrical decades into a precise DIGITAL readout while simultaneously measuring the temperature and rH providing the data in on easy to read large LCD. 


The RT-1000 INCLUDES multiple accessories including: 2 ea 5 pound industry specified test electrodes with handles, 2 ea parallel surface resistivity probes (positioned on the back of the unit) heavy duty cables and a hard shell foam lined case. The unit is powered by a 9 volt battery (a 120 volt to 9 volt power supply is available as an option).

The Ability to Break Down Decades Matter!  Digital Readout for Precise Measurements

Measure wide ranging resistance levelsMeasures from >1.0E03 to <1.0E12 Ohms

measures temp and humidityMeasure Relative Humidity and Temperatures

baterry or plug into ac power10 and 100 VDC with automatic dual ranging technology

meets ANSI ESD standard S11Meets ANSI / ESD standard 11.11

CE approved and NIST TraceableNIST Traceable. Made in the USA*, Tariff Code 9030-00400.



Part Number: RT-1000

Cost: $1,240.25

Schedule B Tariff Code: 9025.19.8080

ECCN Number: EAR99


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Calibration (pdf download)

Data Sheet (pdf download)

Manual (pdf download)


Optional Accessories and Replacement Items:

CC-2641 Curly Cord Replacement Cables for RT-1000: $12.99 per pair

CC-2641 Straight Replacement Cables for RT-1000: $30.09

MP-6533 Personal hand held Electrode: $118.97

FP-1745 Personal Foot wear tester plate: $92.40

MP-1235 Miniature Probe: $317.24

RP-4323 2 ea 5 pound resistance electrodes: $163.15

GT-4872 Ground Circuit Tester: $28.33

GC-5621 Garment Clips, $73.65


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