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ElectraThaneStatic Dissipative ESD Clear Coat for Epoxy FlooringStops Static Buildup!
It’s easy to generate
substantial static buildup while walking on many standard
epoxy floors. The
buildup may be mild to intense with rolling chairs and
carts, and potentially deadly with fueling
ElectraThane controls static buildup by microscopically altering the texture of the smooth epoxy while adding a hygroscopic layer that increases electrical conductivity. This combination helps to harmlessly migrate the static to electrical ground. The results are stunning, often reducing the static voltage from a whopping 6.5kV to a mere 250 volts (well below the threshold of human perception).
When applied to ElectraGuard static conductive ESD Epoxy, ElectraThane will slightly raise the insulative properties while increasing the luster of ElectraGuard. This attribute is helpful when "adjusting" the minimum electrical resistivity upwards (perfect for munitions flooring that must comply with DOD 4145.26-M etc.).
Two to six thin coats of ElectraThane may also be used for elimination of nuisance static generation encountered with standard VCT, Ceramic Tiles and Garland, Sika, Stonehard or any standard thick set epoxy flooring. ElectraThane does not contain carbon or metallic additives for its conductivity. Rather, it contains an active ingredient that effectively absorbs ambient humidity thus rendering the product static dissipative.
ElectraThane has a clean, fresh LOW odor and features excellent recoatability. ElectraThane is designed for mop on applications (2 to 6 coats) depending on the substrate. Please click here for application and maintenance.
PRICING AND ORDERING INFORMATION: 1 gallon: PN E-Thane 1, $68.79 ea, weight 10 lbs Case Lot (4 ea 1 gallon containers): $269.50*, 40 lbs 5 Gallon Pail: $318.95*, 50 lbs *Note: Substantial Discount on 3+ Units.
Contact United Static Control Products! Tame the Static Beast Before it Takes another Byte! © All rights Reserved This page last Updated on 05/27/2023 |