Welded 2 'X 2' ESD Vinyl Titanium Tiles, 23,000 SF, Ultimate shine and scuff
resistance. Installation site: Pueblo Colorado, circa
White Ice ESD Tiles 20,000 S F Located in Laughton VA.
Check out THIS finish using our
ElectraGlaze ESD Wax, circa 2002
ElectraTile ESD tiles, 60,000 sf.
Customers comment: "like a white sheet of ice."
Installation site: Monterrey
Mexico. Client ElcoTeq. circa

In these extremely critical portable laboratories, heat
welded Titanium esd sheet flooring provides "seamless"
static control protection while the heat welded seams
between the sheets provide mechanical protection from
water and chemicals. Install site. New Jersey. Customer
SeaBox. circa 2001
38,000 SF floor located in Tecate' Mexico required over 2000
lbs of concrete patching compound to repair the severally pocked
substrate prior to covering it with ElectraTile. circa 2001
Manufacturing, Austin Texas. About 25,000 SF. ElectraTile 1' x
1' tiles coated with 3 thin coats of ElectraGlaze and high speed
polished with a propane polisher. Check out the finish (click
the icon). circa 2002
hard drive burn in oven and our ElectraTile ESD premium
flooring will experience a temperature up to 160 Deg at
55% rH! Temps will cycle! Just NOT suitable for typical ESD
Vinyl's or typical flooring installers! Material selected: 12" x
12" ESD conductive
All seams were heat welded and the esd flooring material was
installed at temperatures in excess of 100 deg F PLUS (to help
replicate thermal expansion when in use. Customer Seagate.
Facility located in Colorado. circa 2001