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 Static Control Products

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ESD Floor Installation


U.S.A. Canada, Mexico and Over Seas!

We've Installed Millions of Square Feet since our first in 1993!

Includes testing & certification to the latest Standards, on time completion, no headaches and NO surprises all at a realistic price!

At United SCP All We Do Is Static Control!

ESD flooring installation in progress

United has Specialized in the Installation of ESD Tiles, Sheet Vinyl, Epoxy and ESD Carpeting since 1993!


Since all we do is static control we understand how your flooring interacts with your ESD Program. We realize a great ESD floor must work in concert with carts, shelving, technicians and chairs and hit very specific levels of conductivity and tribocharging (static generation).

United's Engineering Services has provided 3rd party ESD Floor Testing and Certifications for over 25 years for literally every major type of ESD flooring on the market. This typically $5,000 plus service is included with OUR installations at no charge.

We work closely with the client or contractor throughout every step of the process from material selection to expectations to scheduling. During the installation phase we ask that a representative of the client be available on a daily basis. Why? Because if they see a problem we FIX it - plain and simple!

We feel this close communications avoids problems at the end of the install and we value client satisfaction. We strive for 100% positive signoffs and reviews. Installing ESD flooring properly, backing the install and hitting our deadlines is paramount to our success.

It's not just our JOB - it's our passion!

  • Experienced ESD Flooring Contractor - our first was in 1993!

  • A Global Supplier for all types of ESD Flooring

  • Turn Key! Supply, Install, Test and Certify

  • OPTIONS In ESD Flooring and we've installed them all!

  • All Security Levels and we HIT our Deadlines

Fill out our Form for a Free Installation Quote

Recent Installations

Our ESD Flooring Installation in NevadaThis is one of several areas from our recently completed installation in beautiful Carson City Nevada. The ElectraGuard High Gloss ESD Epoxy System used for this installation is a proven performer at a realistic cost. It's <1/3 the cost of ESD Vinyl Tiles yet provides static control capabilities that exceed those of many tiles, thick set epoxy and other options.


Our ESD flooring Installation in Ohio

ElectraGuard Stellar Black ESD Epoxy Installed, Tested and Certified in Ohio. We repair the concrete and diamond grind the entire slab to insure great bond strength. ElectraGuard  - When you think ESD Flooring Think ElectraGuard!


Our ESD Floorig Installation in CA

The combination of the ESD floor covering in concert with the colors of the walls and ceiling is stunning in this photo. This is a recently completed ESD flooring Installation and Certification for a major client in California. Once again ElectraGuard was chosen for its durability, permanent static control properties and value. Plain and Simple: You'll never find a better hard surface ESD floor for the money!


Install Gallery - Past Installations

ESD Floor for Robotics

USPS Main Distribution Center, Queens NY: ElectraGuard over asbestos laden tile! This saved the cost of expensive asbestos abatement and allows their sophisticated robotics to perform flawlessly. ElectraGuard has a proven track record of turning standard VCT tiles into premium ESD Tiles at a fraction of the cost. For more on the process please click here.


Our Installation at NIST in Boulder, CONational Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), Boulder, CO: Titanium (low gloss) ESD Vinyl Tiles (upper floors). ElectraGuard High Gloss ESD Epoxy for ground floors. Premium static control for mission critical products. Installed, Tested and Certified by United SCP


ElectraSeal ESD Concrete Sealer over Ground and Polished Concrete

Valve Corp / Steam, Kirkland, WA: 230,000 square feet of ElectraSeal ESD Concrete Sealer over ground and polished ground floor concrete slabs. CDHP V1.2 compliant! Environmentally friendly.


NASA Florida

Extant Aerospace, Melbourne, FL: 56,000 SF of ElectraGuard ESD Epoxy over concrete. Easily passes ANSI ESD S20.20-2014. Static generation per 97.2 of less than 5 volts!



ESD floor photo at Tyco

Tyco Corporation, Mexico: 125,000 SF ESD Epoxy floor paint. Fast track constuction. Easily passes ANSI ESD S20.20-2014. Interfaces flawlessly with mobile equipment


This Set ESD Epoxy

Watts Water, Florida: NEW! ElectraGuard Elite thick set static dissipative epoxy. Only available for installation by United SCP. Outstanding esthetics and static dissipative for a slower controlled static discharge to ground.


ESD carpet Install

Philips Healthcare Solutions, undisclosed location: UltraTech II ESD Carpet Installation, Outstanding static control properties, interfaces perfectly with ESD carts and chairs and provides outstanding sound deadening qualities.


Blue ESD FloorGoogle / Loon, Puerto Rico:  ElectraGuard Sierra Blue, installed tested and certified  compliant for building THE most sophisticated of ESD sensitive products.



ElectraGuard ESD Table Top

Division of Weights and Measures U.S.A: ElectraGuard Epoxy used for flooring and a concrete table buried 60' into the granite bedrock beneath the facility!



ESD flooring applied around benchesThermalogic, Boston MA: ElectraGuard ESD Epoxy covering standard VCT! This install was performed without removal of the benches and many other encumbrances!



Clean Room ESD EpoxyNorthrop Grumman / US Navy, Saudi Arabia: Clean Room Compliant ElectraGuard Epoxy installed in multiple locations throughout the Country.



Jacobs Engineering InstallJacobs Engineering Group, Maryland: 3 coats of ElectraGuard Epoxy, 2 coats of ElectraThane urethane sealer and a single sacrificial coat of ElectraGlaze installed over a diamond ground concrete substrate. Permanenet and effective static control properties that easily meet THE latest ANSI ESD S20.20 standards. Installed, Tested and Certified by United SCP


Loft Orbital Solutions, Golden Colorado

Loft Orbital Solutions, Golden Colorado: Before and After! Multiple areas, diamond ground preparation followed by application of the ElectraGuard Thin Set ESD Epoxy Flooring System.


Static Dissipative Epoxy Floor at DentsplyDentsply Serona, Serona Mexico: New Product! ElectraGuard Elite thick set static dissipative epoxy. Only available for installation by United SCP. Outstanding esthetics and static dissipative for a slower controlled static discharge to ground.


Jacobs Engineering, ElectraGuard High Gloss, phase 2Jacobs Engineering, Severn Maryland: Multi area expansions to phase 1 Installed tested and Certified by United SCP!


ESD Floors for 3D PrintingBeam Machines Inc, Cincinnati Ohio: ESD flooring for 3D Printing. Installed tested and Certified to DOD, NFPA and ANSI Standards.



Blue ESD Epoxy floor paintBlue ElectraGuard ESD Floor Paint, Broomfield CO. Electronic manufacturing.




Upper level ESD flooring install at NISTOven Industries, Pennsylvania: Electronic manufacturing. Installed tested and Certified ANSI ESD S20.20 standards.



ESD epoxy over absorbent concreteElan Engineering, Illinois: This ElectraGuard ESD flooring was applied to concrete that readily absorbed water. Because of this, diamond grinding was NOT required for preparation. Why? When concrete absorbs water in under a minute it absorbs the E-Guard epoxy like a SPONGE! This flooring was installed over 10 years ago as of 7.26.24 and is STILL in use. It's still testing great and the wear performance has been amazing (according to the client). Installed, tested and CERTIFIED by United Static Control Products!


Contact United Static Control Products!

Tame the Static Beast Before it Takes another Byte!

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